Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sorry for the delay in posts- but we never made it to Cambridge.  Our accommodations fell through and we ended up staying in Sheffield.  We are sleeping at a school- and it is pretty nice, just a little freezing at night;)

For the most part we have been doing construction on the school we are staying at.  The kids come in a week and they are in the middle of adding onto the school, so we are painting and doing whatever we can do help. I have never painted so much in my life.  It has actually been fun and a lot of the guys on the construction site are our age, so it has been fun getting to know them.  We have also done some street work, and we redid an older ladies garden, or backyard.  It has been a good week and we have been very busy.  We will be in Sheffield this week and then I think we are heading back to London next week.

Our outreach ends September 14, and basically none of us have an internship yet. Tina and I have decided to change our plane tickets to December and backpack Europe for 3 months.  I am so excited, and I have the best parents in the world for supporting me in doing this.  I feel like this is the time in my life to do it, and I feel like the Lord has closed doors to open this one.  Our first stop is CinqueTerre Italy, and then Greece.  My mom is going to meet us in Greece for about a week at the end of september, and we are SO excited about that- but after that we have no idea what our plans are, so if you have ever been anywhere cool in Europe, e-mail me!!

Something being on outreach has taught me which through me by surprise was how blessed I am by my family.  So many families here do not even know each other.  Its like they are walking on their toes all the time- its so proper and almost fake.  I know thats not all of the families in the UK, but i just feel very blessed by my family.  I have definitely had my days of homesickness, but when I get homesick i guess i am just grateful I have the friends and family to be homesick for.  It was kind of hard to change my ticket because going home sounds great, but I know the Lord still has me here for a reason, and He is teaching me so much.

Anyways, I MISS yall!!! and love yall so much!

Sorry for the no pictures- ill add some later this week i do not have my camera with me.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

We left Edinburgh, Scotland Thursday night and took a bus all night to Sheffield, England.  We are staying here until tomorrow when we head to Cambridge.  We are not sure what our ministry will look like there yet, but we are hoping to work with incoming Freshmen, considering Cambridge is one of the biggest university towns in England. This weekend has just been a weekend of rest and regrouping as a team.  We have three weeks left as a team in the UK, so we are trying to take advantage of everyday.

In Edinburgh, we had a night off and a few of us decided to wait outside the door of the biggest show in scotland- the Tatoo.  Usually you cant get tickets cheaper than $65 US, but we waited outside the doors, and some guy desperate to get rid of tickets sold them to us for $20! And it was INCREDIBLE!! It was right next to the castle, and it was basically a music show with music from all different countries.  It was amazing.  Sometimes God reminds me that He loves when we have a night off and just enjoy ourselves. 

I did our devo this morning, and I talked about 1 Samuel 15- its about God asking us to do something, and trying to compromise with Him and only doing part of it- or what you are willing to do.  God wants us to do all He asks- you should read 1 Samuel 15, its a good reminder. 

I miss and love yall like crazy.  Please continue to pray that doors open for internship. 

The castle!

The tatoo!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

i'm freezing!

Edinburgh is awesome! And the Fringe festival is really cool too-it is a crazy time to be here.  While my musically talented teammates are playing on the streets, I am usually walking around and hanging out with people- at coffee shops, outside, or anywhere.  It has been really cool and God has blessed me with some awesome opportunities.  Basically we do street work during the days, and then about every other night we are doing ministry like handing out free hot chocolate or coffee at bars and clubs, or going on prayer walks. It really has been an awesome experience, and very tiring.  Also, it’s FREEZING here.  I can see my breath in the mornings- and it rains everyday. I am definitely made for the warm sunshine, but this city is so cool it makes up for it.  So after we bought some boots, gloves, socks and hats, we fit right in.   We are in Edinburgh until Thursday, and then back to the bus and back to England!  We are not really sure where we are going Thursday, so please pray that God reveals that to us.

We had the day off yesterday, and it was sooo good. It was supposed to be a day of rest, but me, Tina, T, and chris woke up at 5am and went on a 10 mile hike, and it was BEAUTIFUL. It was so green and there were flowers everywhere, and every peak we made it to just kept getting prettier.  It was so cool seeing the city from so high up.  It was such a great day off, and it is days like that that remind me that I am having the experience of a lifetime.

There is still nothing set and stone for my internship, so please pray that God opens up doors.  We are done with our outreach September 14, and are traveling Europe for about 10 days after that, so I have a little over a month!

Love and miss yall, and everytime your REALLY hot, pray for me, because i am freezing;)
 Tina playing for the Christian Heritage Center

 our amazing hike!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

The ministry in Derby has been awesome.  We have spent a lot of time in the local skate park, hanging out with the kids there. They are really nice kids and the Lord has blessed us with some really good conversations. I liked the skate park because it was something we did about four times, so I really did get to know some of the girls and i feel like the more I can see someone the better the relationship- so that was awesome.  We also did relational ministry in the Muslim community.  A ton of Derby, and England is Muslim.  So we spent a few afternoons in those communities praying or hanging out with kids.  We also worked a lot with a church this week- and spent a day in a park in a poor area of Derby face painting and making balloon animals (yes, we all learned how to do that in Belize) but the kids loved it.  We also held an event at the church so kids could come and watch the movie Tangled- it probably one of my favorite things we did.  We also did dramas for the kids (clearly i do not act- but YWAM is very good at pushing you to do things you're not skilled in;) and it is a cool way to display the gospel.

Being in England has been good but hard.  It is really cold here- and rains a lot. And Derby is just a heavy city.  People always tell us how much energy we have, and how "motivated" we are.  Which we do have energy, and we are motivated, but that is not the normal here. I am so glad God sent us here so we could be boost for some people.

We leave tomorrow for Edinburgh tomorrow.  I am SO PUMPED to go to Scotland. We are working at a huge festival there called the Fringe Festival.  We are getting on a bus at 9:30 am and should arrive around 7 pm.  So its going to be a long day of traveling but a good day to be off our feet.

I wont lie- i really miss texas this week! and the caribbean of coarse, but we are all excited for the next step!

Love yall!

 At the skate park
 At the biggest Mosque in Normonton
Me and Marvin at a local indian food place- it was actually good!

 D with his face painted