Thursday, September 8, 2011

almost done!

It is soooo crazy that we are done on Tuesday.  This past week we have stayed in Sheffield, England and have been gardening (just FYI- gardening here means picking veggies AND clearing glass out of pig pens- we got to do both;), painting schools, doing street work, and playing music on the streets.  Playing music on the street is my FAVORITE thing we do- we play worship and set out the guitar case to collect money, then we take the money we make (which is surprisingly a lot- toot toot) and buy food and tea for homeless people.  It is so much fun.  People who know the songs will sing with us and it is just so fun to do with the team.  I seriously have the best teammates in the world.  They have made England so much more enjoyable.

Today was our last day of ministry and we start debrief tomorrow. Its basically a time of reflection and good-byes.  We are leaving Saturday morning at 2am (woo hoo) and catching a bus to the coast in South England.  We are staying in a cottage for about 3 days, then Wednesday me, Tina, T, and Chris are headed to ITALY!!! We are going to CinqueTerre, which is the beach in Italy- moving here from the Caribbean we feel a little ocean deprived, so we are so excited to be back on the ocean- especially the Mediterranean!!

I will definitely still have a blog backpacking through Europe.  The first 2 weeks will be the 4 of us, and then is it just Me and Tina until we come home.  I am coming home November 21 so I will be home for Thanksgiving- my dad's request;)

Me and Tina are so excited to explore Europe- it is just so weird that YWAM is ending.  God has been too good to us and I feel like I have learned more than I ever could have imagined.

I miss yall like crazy!

Helping ladies with their backyards

Home sweet home!

1 comment:

  1. Becca! I was just talking to a RunTex employee who has visited CinqueTerre! His coffee mug is from there and he was telling me how wonderful it is with all the surrounding towns connected by trail and water. Miss you-love the pics!
