Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This week our speaker is AWESOME.  It has been crazy with school though.  We had a test yesterday and had to memorize the location of all the countries and capitals.  It was a lot of studying, but went great and I realized how little I knew... oops. Our next book report is due Monday, so I need to catch up on some reading.

This weekend diving was awesome.  We did a different dive- a shallow one, which was a fun change and when it is shallow you can stay down for longer because you do not use as much air so we took a ton of pictures, cool i know.

Last night we went crab hunting and put a ton of crabs in the guys shower.  I felt like i was in 6th grade again wrapping someones house, but it was so funny and they put crabs in our shoes to get back.  pranking Caribbean style gets dangerous. Makes me miss you brittani!

I love and miss yall and please keep praying for out preparation for the United Kingdom.  We will be in Derby, Edinburgh, and Wimbledon. It was very exciting finding out our locations!

 When we enter the water i feel so hardcore
 Don't ask me why we would take pictures when we are not by the pretty stuff, right to the right is a BEAUTIFUL coral reef
my girls!


  1. Yeah Boo, Edinberg is supposed to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Wimbbledon is central London. Don't know about Derby. You are so lucky plus they atr having a heat wave. Love my girls photo. Love you Boo! Pana

  2. Ask TIna why she has the we suit on????? I wish we could have dove together. Love ya!!! XXXXOOOO

  3. Great pics! Very proud of you for knowing the capitals of all the locations!!! Know you are getting excited about going to the UK. Please keep us posted. Praying for a safe trip and stay for all of you. Continued prayers for your safety through this fantastic walk. I not only admire you but am so very proud of you!
    Much Love, Aunt Carolyn

  4. hold the phone, i got a shout out on da blog. i feel so special :) wish i could've seen the boys reaction to the crabs in the showers!!! you know me, i love pranks :) i love the under water pictures!! you look hilarious (and hardcore) falling into the water. it;s like you're posing for the camera MISS YOU ! IMB

  5. Our neighbor just showed us his underwater (completely waterproof) Bible.... do you need one? We love you and continue to pray for your safety and that you would know God in a more precious way every day!!! Love you! aunt k and uncle b
