Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Quick one!

The first week with a speaker has been awesome.  This week we are studying worldviews, and today we went over all different religions.  It was really interesting and i learned so much I had no idea about.  Class is very interesting and I am learning so much.  Desiring God by John Piper is GREAT, and I am still studying Leviticus.  

We went scuba diving today for the first time in the ocean, and it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I still cant believe we breath under water.  We went 20 ft, and then 60 ft.  it was BEAUTIFUL!!! And going deep was so fun.  We get to go again tomorrow!

I was on kitchen duty tonight, so straight after scuba I had to cook, so I have not stopped all day.  I will write a longer blog tomorrow with more detail about what we are learning and pictures.  It is incredible here, and I am getting so close to the people here.  They are all amazing and I get a good belly laugh in everyday.

I will write more tomorrow with pictures! love and miss yall!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like so much fun. Love you Boo and so happy everything is going so well. I thought of you all day. Did you see any sharks when were scub diving?
    I miss you and love you, Pana
